Diana Marua with her mother. Photos/Courtesy

Diana Marua pays emotional tribute to her late mother after unveiling new Netflix reality show

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On June 5, 2024, Bahati and Diana Marua, unveiled a trailer for their upcoming reality show, “The Bahati’s Empire,” set to air on Netflix.

Expressing her pride in their significant achievement, Diana took a poignant moment to address her late mother, expressing her hope that she was watching from heaven.

“Mom, we made it. I hope you’re proud of me as you watch from heaven,” Diana shared in an Instagram post alongside a teaser video.

In the teaser, the mother of three reflected on her upbringing without her mother and expressed her longing for her presence in raising their children.

“Sometimes I wish my mother was there when I was growing up,” she expressed.

The video also featured a poignant visit to Diana’s late mother’s resting place, a solemn cross marking the grave of Lilian Nyambura Gikurumi, born in April 1969 and passing away in March 2009 at the age of 40.

Last month, Diana penned an emotional open letter to her late mother, expressing her deep longing for her presence and reminiscing about the cherished memories they shared.

In the heartfelt letter, Diana expressed gratitude for the time she had with her mother and imagined the gestures of love and appreciation she would have showered upon her if she were still alive.

“Dear mother, I remember your goodness often. If only you were alive today, God knows how much I would do for you,” Diana wrote.

Reflecting on missed opportunities to lavish her mother with gifts and luxuries, Diana expressed her determination to provide her children with the life she never had, hoping to create cherished memories with them.

“Mom, I know you are my guardian angel. What I said in today’s video… it is a letter to you. I hope I have made you proud to be an inspiration for my generation,” Diana concluded, honoring her mother’s enduring legacy and influence in her life.

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