Alikiba got nothing but love toward Diamond Plantnumz and his camp of Wasafi Classic Baby(WCB), he showed it off on social media the other day playing their songs. Photo credit: Instagram/officialalikiba, diamondplatnumz
Alikiba got nothing but love toward Diamond Plantnumz and his camp of Wasafi Classic Baby(WCB), he showed it off on social media the other day playing their songs. Photo credit: Instagram/officialalikiba, diamondplatnumz

Diamond speaks on Alikiba’s radio station poaching Wasafi Media employees

2 mins read

In a recent interaction with journalists, Diamond Platnumz, who is also the director of Wasafi Media, broke his silence on the persistent rumors circulating on social media about his long-time rival, Alikiba.

Allegedly, Alikiba has been attempting to lure some of Wasafi Media’s employees to his newly established media organization, Crown Media.

When questioned about these rumors, Diamond responded with a surprisingly composed and philosophical outlook.

He stated that he does not see anything wrong with an employee transitioning from one media station to another, emphasizing that everyone aims to better themselves in life.

“The way I see it, if someone chooses to move from one place to another, it’s usually because they’ve been presented with a good offer. And that’s a positive thing because I like to see people taking steps to advance and improve their lives. I don’t see a problem if someone leaves Wasafi Media to join Crown Media,” Diamond explained.

Diamond’s remarks reflect an understanding of the competitive nature of the media industry and the inherent desire for professional growth and better opportunities.

His comments suggest a level of maturity and acceptance that is often absent in rivalries within the entertainment industry.

Crown Media, closely associated with Alikiba, launched a few months ago with a rapid ascent, attracting talent from several established stations, including EFM and Clouds.

During the launch of his radio and television station, Alikiba emphasized that Crown Media would operate with the interests of the public in mind, rather than serving individual agendas.

This commitment has been reflected in Crown FM’s inclusive approach to music programming, playing songs from artists across the spectrum, including those from Wasafi WCB and Konde Music Worldwide, demonstrating a willingness to bridge the gaps between competing factions in the Tanzanian music scene.

Related: Wasafi’s songs reign supreme on Alikiba’s Crown FM