Crazy Kennar brought Khaligraph Jones's 'Send Fare Freestyle' record to life through his sketch. Photo credit: Instagram/crazy_kennar, khaligraph_jones
Crazy Kennar brought Khaligraph Jones's 'Send Fare Freestyle' record to life through his sketch. Photo credit: Instagram/crazy_kennar, khaligraph_jones

Crazy Kennar brings Khaligraph Jones’s ‘Send Fare’ song to life

2 mins read

Crazy Kennar just brought Khaligraph Jones’s latest song ‘Send Fare’ to a whole new level thanks to his efforts.

Crazy Kennar brought Khaligraph Jones’s latest offering ‘Send Fare’ to life in a comical fashion that will forever make the song a classic.

Khaligraph Jones released the ‘Send Fare’ freestyle by jumping on Nyashinski, and Chris Kaiga ‘ Hapo Tu’ beats.

The freestyle was actually cosigned by Nyashinski on Khaligraph Jones’ Instagram account, the first time he shared the song online.

Now the ‘Send Fare’ song is already up on YouTube and trending steadily coming up on the most trends on the streaming platform.

The freestyle is about how Nairobi women usually spend the bus fare and/or cab fare sent out to them without remorse after promising to show up.

A lot of Kenyan men predominantly from Nairobi can attest this to be true this why the song relating to a lot of men out there.

Khaligraph Jones slotted to perform at the MTV MAMAs in Kampala

That being said, online comedian, Crazy Kennar took it upon himself, together with his crew to reenact the entire song about Khaligraph Jones’s story. It is nothing short of amazing.

The sketch was so up to par that even made Khaligraph Jones shared it on social media and cosigned the same.

Clearly, Crazy Kennar and team outdid themselves on this skit. Check it out below: