Corazon Kwamboka had something to say about Maureen Waititu speaking her truth. Photo credit: Instagram/corazon_kwamboka

Corazon Kwamboka responds to Maureen Waititu, she has a lot to say

2 mins read

Corazon Kwamboka has come forward to respond on the behalf of her baby daddy who also happens to be the ex-partner of Maureen Waititu.

Maureen Waititu opened up yesterday and talked her truth saying that Frank Kiarie(Frankie Just Gym It) has been lying on her on social media, saying things about her that are not true.

Maureen even addressed the issue of denying access to Frankie seeing the kids.

Corazon Kwamboka has since taken to social media to support her baby daddy and shared her experience with Maureen Waititu.

Kwamboka intimated that Maureen had insulted her son only because she had him with Frankie Kiarie.

“Only a sick person can insult a baby calling him a name so despicable I can’t even talk just because I had him with their ex. One day I’ll open my mouth.” Corazon Kwamboka said.

“You’ve talked down on me, you’ve called me names, you’ve insulted my child, you’ve threatened and harassed me.

I took it all because I know the pain of a heartbreak, I empathized, I hoped with time you’d heal and everything would be easier but with time things got worse, I’ve been called names I wouldn’t call my worst enemy”

Maureen Waititu speaks her truth, accuses Frankie Just Gym It of throwing her out of his home

Corazon Kwamboka who disclosed that Maureen Waititu made her leave the comfort of her own house for fear of her life after Maureen used to drive at her place at midnight says that she knows for a fact how Frankie has been helping her and her sons.

“That man has done everything to make things work and you know it,” Corazon Kwamboka said in part, “and I’m not trying to sound arrogant or anything, yes I know it may end in premium tears.”

Below are the screenshots of what she had to say about Maureen Waititu speaking out in public calling out her ex-partner Frankie Kiarie.

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