It’s about time we had our very own Common, Talib Kweli, Tupac Shakur, Dead Prez even Mos Yasiin Bey in our hip hop industry today since most rappers coming up today are usually bent to either do trap music and/or mainstream rap music but that’s not the case with one Stitch Blaze who keeps his music conscious just like the established rappers mentioned earlier here holding down the conscious hip hop to the core.
Also read: rap groups that are currently dominating the hip hop scene in Kenya
Stitch Blaze is more than a rapper, he is also an actor and a vlogger but he has since taken rapping seriously and he has proved to be a serious emcee in this competitive industry after releasing relevance records over the years and still being true to the game and never selling out. Stitch Blaze is slowly gradually becoming one of the respected household names in the music industry.

With his latest record, ‘Runnin Around’ Stitch Blaze shows his rap prowess and his lyricism spitting powerful bars one after another with almost the entire record with quotable lyrics but these verses tells the truth,
keeping it real toka mwanzo
no faking
si unajua si lazima ngono
ndio nimek statement
wengi matajiri
akili ni maskini
wengi wamechoka hadi wamesare dini bro
Stream ‘Runnin Around’ new release by Stitch Blaze