Chris Brown roughs up transgender woman outside gay club (Photos)

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Chris Brown has once again been caught in another case of violence. The RnB sensation roughed up a transgender woman before he verbally abused her.

The transgender woman – Chris Lopez told the press that she standing outside a famed gay club – The Abbey at around 2am on when she saw Brown yelling outside a neighboring restaurant.

Chris Lopez. Photo/Daily Mail

Chris Lopez claims that she saw Breezy knock down another man before he started screaming at her group of friends.

“Chris Brown starts yelling at my friend. I told him leave my friend alone, this is LA not like New York… you not gonna start s**t here. He starts calling me a fake blonde b***, a fat b***… He must of had said it like 10 times,” Chris Lopez said.

Chris Brown during the said altercation. Photo/Daily Mail

Lopez further claims Chris Brown even pushed her during the altercation before security intervened and stop him from doing something stupid.

Security restrain Chris Brown. Photo/Daily Mail

“He got really close to my face and used his chest to push me a few times,’ she said. ‘He was very drunk. Very wasted. But my security team came two minutes after, I had like three security guards, Chris had one security guard and one friend,” said Chris Lopez.