Celebrating Classic FM’s Unsung Hero Wakanai Big Poppa Pumping AKA The Madman!

2 mins read

I have occasionally listened to Classic as i’m sure most of you do – especially if you use public transportation. And one person has always found a way to colour even the most boring stories. And when the stories are already colourful, he finds a way to add even more colour in his distinct cantankerous manner.

I’m talking about Big Poppa Pumping himself. The loud mouth who always insists on using his mother tongue when his vocabulary runs out of expressive English words. This chap almost always has a word to get in edgewise and it’s always hilarious.

But what do you know about Wakanai save for his booming voice, country charm, imposing aura and love for dispensing bitter truths? Well, for starters, he’s married. Yep! the chap who has made a hobby out of brow beating women is actually happily married.

He also has a Facebook page that has over 34,000 likes! And all that from being a royal pain on Classic – the man women love to hate.

But when all is said and done, no morning discussion is complete without hearing Wakanai’s opinion. Although for the record i hate it when he goes off on a tangent in his mother tongue leaving me hanging! I mean, how would you like it if i started writing phrases in pidgin and Ibo?

And the chap is just as controversial online as he is whenever he calls. Here are some updates he has posted online:

“By a show of likes on this post, how many people are going to have sex tonight?”


But with that said, here is another article he creeped up into. And now here are some photos from the wedding he had last year:


I love everybody who loves everybody, somebody got to love somebody at some point.
Music is something that comes natural to everybody and it's a language that everybody can understand, I understand it and that's why I speak it
fluently, do you.