the lovely beautiful gorgeous Bridget achieng

Bridget Achieng talks about growing up in Kibera to BBC Africa

3 mins read

Say what you want about Bridget Achieng but you’re going to love her after watching a short series with BBC Africa did about her coming up to be where she is today.

Bridget Achieng tells all in her exclusive interview with BBC Africa where she said that she was brought up in Kibera and had to fight for what she has today and how she was also molested when she was young which affected her so much up until her early 20s.

“Start sharing your story, start telling your truth…because no one will be inspired by you if you are pretending to always have it all together” she posted in one of the recent photos she posted.

Bridget Achieng. photo credit: Instagram/bridgetachieng
Bridget Achieng. photo credit: Instagram/bridgetachieng

Bridget who explained rather boldly the Kenyan definition of a socialite and how many people, men especially usually jump on her DMs to ask something that she wasn’t comfortable speaking of in front of a camera because she didn’t want to scare away people.

She also gave out advice to young girls who want to make it quickly in life and who wants to be socialites. “if you are given 10,000 USD, believe me, you will be asked to do something worth 10,000 USD” she said in part in the interview which saw her go back to their Kibera shanty where she used to live with her entire family growing up.

Bridget Achieng. photo credit: Instagram/bridgetachieng
Bridget Achieng. photo credit: Instagram/bridgetachieng

Bridget is known to be bold, open and speaking up her mind without worrying about anything you think about her but she has never been this bold in the many recent interviews she has given before. This is as real as you will ever get to know Bridget Achieng because she tells it all.

You might feel some type of way about Bridget but what I know for sure is that you will respect her after watching this short series. She’s also a philanthropist who owns a children’s home with children who she cares about.

Watch the BBC Africa sit-down exclusive interview with Bridget Achieng.


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