Braids, eye lashes and stickons? Andrew Kibe calls for parents to be arrested for punishing this child

3 mins read

Content creator Andrew Kibe is calling for parents who put their kids through adult stuff to be arrested. This includes long eyelashes, braids and stick on nails.

Kibe was reacting to a video that has gone viral online.  The little kids graduating has been made a norm these days.

The innocent kids look exhausted and tired; they are basically not interested in what’s going on.

Andrew Kibe says this is the effect of absent fathers. In the video, the lovely child has long nails and eyelashes done and it looks so out of place.

Kenyans have reacted in support of Kibe saying;

Arrest the parents with immediate effect. Instead of banning boarding schools, they should start with this lambistic graduation thing.
The fact that I wore a trouser (Mufuto) at 18yrs…. Bought with my own savings hahah … and still could not wear it while my dad was home. I agree with you. My dad wouldn’t even let me do braids. Me & kamatana were joined at the hip, till I stared working.. Yaani!!
The child is yawning profusely, she must have gone through that shit all night and had to come there in morning.