A boy will be a boy the old adage goes. But it is normally used to justify rough and tumble play by boys, not some crazy nonsense like the one in this next story.

A boy in Kesemya village, Kirenget, Nakuru County was thoroughly beaten by locals over the weekend after he was caught in the act with a guernsey calf. Speaking to the Standard, a witness called Maritim who lives in the village, stated that the 16 year old was allegedly caught ‘making love’ with a calf. He said:
“He had taken cows to a river frequented by villagers in the area.”
Maritim explained that the boy who comes from a neighbouring village had been employed as a herder by one of the locals. Some women who were in a maize plantation at an adjacent field next to the river say they saw the boy drive the calf to a muddy area where it could not free itself.

Maritim added:
“The women raised alarm and angry villagers rushed to the scene before frogmarching him with whips and blows.”
He shocked the residents after he revealed that the act was not strange to him. He said he had seen it being done by his uncle who did it on goats, added the witness. “Anko, ulinidanganya! Kumbe haufai kulala na ng’ombe!” is most likely way the conversation between the boy and his uncle later on.

After being beaten like a thief, his employer handed him back his belongings and told him to never return. The “thirst was real.” Hehehe! Will that calf undergo some counselling cause that some must be a horrific experience to go through!