Black Coffee in IBiza

Black Coffee touches down in Ibiza with class

2 mins read

Black Coffee who is one revered disk jockey, producer and an overall entertainer who also happens to be a close friend of P. Diddy has just touched down in his private jet in Ibiza for his Summer tour that will see him perform in different European countries.

Black Coffee after landing in Ibiza. photo credit: Instagram/realblackcoffee
Black Coffee after landing in Ibiza. photo credit: Instagram/realblackcoffee

“The European/US Summer is beginning and I’m so excited and grateful to be able to travel the World, share Music, Joy and Love, one day at a time. I’ve been pursuing my dream to make, play music and to share it with people of all religions, races, color or creed all over the World.My feeling has always been that Love has no boundaries, no borders.
This is what drives me and will always be. I’m so proud of my country & my people for the Roots, Love and Ubuntu. Let spread the Love❤….See you in your City….The journey continue.” Black Coffee posted fresh from landing in Ibiza

Black Coffee after landing in Ibiza. photo credit: Instagram/realblackcoffee
Black Coffee after landing in Ibiza. photo credit: Instagram/realblackcoffee

Black Coffee seem to have gone there in his private jet that has custom designs drawn on its sides with Black Coffee written on its engine.
This begs the question: when did Black Coffee buy a private jet?

Nonetheless we are proud to have yet another African celebrity to own a private jet joining the likes of Davido and the now disbanded group P Square