“bibi ya mtu si PSV” man cries after his blood cousin impregnates wife while he’s abroad

2 mins read

Just a few hours after exposing his wife for cheating on him, stealing from him a car and conning an Italian man, Tom Nyaoke goes ham on the alleged man that got his wife pregnant while he was abroad working.

bibi ya mtu si PSV …Tom Nyaoke

As it turns out, John Onyango is his cousin and he has promised to mess him up the next time he sees him blood or no blood after sharing his photo. Below is what how he threatened John Onyango (his cousin)

learn about how all this started here: woman gets exposed by his boyfriend for stealing his car and breaking his heart on social media

John Onyango | Facebook
John Onyango | Facebook

“This man, John Onyango, you are very stupid. Unapea bibi yangu mimba kama nani? And you still call yourself a cousin? Takataka hii you took my advantage of being abroad to peg my wife mbona? Natuma pesa from abroad kumbe pesa yangu ndio hio malaya ya mwanamke anakununulia nayo nyama choma na pombe mkitombana kwangu hadi unampea mimba kwa kitanda yangu? Umbwa wewe. Get lost coz anywhere we meet lazma you regret why you were born! No negotiation. Haujui huyo malaya alifanyia nini an Italian man uko Mtwapa ndio akatorokea kwangu. You have touched a wrong wire my friend. I must crash izo makende zako nugu wewe. And you can go test yourself pia juu haujui mbona I haven’t screwed that b***h without protection for the last 3 years. Takataka utajua mimi ni kijana ya Nyakadem. Am back brother get lost ASAP or else wait for mourners to eat githeri kwa matanga yako. Casanova wewe. Tafuta huyo malaya pia juu bahati yake alihepa kabla nimfanyie kitu hangesahau maisha yake. Bibi ya mtu si PSV.” Tom Nyaoke lamented

below is the official post that Tom posted on social media

Tom Nyaoke's post ecposing John Onyango(his cousin)
Tom Nyaoke’s post exposing John Onyango(his cousin)