Betty Kyallo Okari has Become a Slut?Crazy Kenyans React After She Posted Her Photo In a Bikini

2 mins read

KTN’s Betty Kyalo Okari has raise new heat levels after she posted her photo in nothing but a bikini and as expected,Kenyans had something to say.

Here are some of the comments after her post.

Maggie Mukoma: #Innaijaaccent…So, now because she is married she will not swim again?? Or take selfies again abi???Jelousy will kill people n the venom pple carry will drown them naaah!!!A sister will not hv fun again or wear swimsut because of marriage!!! Is marriage a sentense to boring life n becoming a grandma!!! Ewooooo nobody has forced anyone to check her photos….go n jump over Nyali brigde if you like.Betty shine yr eyes bright bright ooooh with yr bobo….tufiakwa!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lisa Mamascarlet: if it were me,on tht day,a’l swim the hul day,tek selfiez n call reporterz n tel them,’mek me mo famous’. unaeza pata wale wam’mok sna ni wale idlers hushinda kwa parks wakilala. Kazi ni kungoja six jioni thn wanaenda hme kwa neiba kuona newz waskose udaku

Nasakami Khafafa Masika :I guess they want her to swim in jeans and a tee… Neanderthals!!

Julia Wa Wanjiku: Any woman bashing on her is jealous!! The lady looks hawt

Njeri Njogu Ni nini mbaya na watu? Are we so frustrated in our lives that when someone is real the only way we can react to this is via insults???

What’s wrong with US WOMEN mostly?? I wish i could pull of such a look…woooi, i’d literally break the internet with photos. K.K would have nothing on me.

Kenyans will always have something to just have to get used to them.