Bahati is this year’s winner for Best Male Artist of the Year, Song of the Year, Video of the Year and the singer behind the hit single “Lover” which is doing well right now and if you ask anybody, even little children who Bahati is, they definitely will tell you who he is by singing his song or two.

Well, this time he recoreded himself singing one song “Niko Salama Na Wewe” (I’m safe with You) and wondered who sang it and blessed the person for making the song that he even went ahead and said that it’s his favorite worship song at the moment.. Truly God has blessed him this year, and deservingly so. Watch the video below.
He wrote: “Nko salama Nawewe… Wote waKiondoka.. Yote nkiyakosa Salama Nawewe”.. Whoever Sang this song is annointed.May God Lift that you may minister to many. My favourite worship song at the moment.”