Kevin Bahati with a pregnant wife Diana Marua

Bahati reveals why he refers to Diana Marua as his ‘Ten Over Ten’

3 mins read

Gospel musician and his wife, Diana Marua have kept off of social media for a while now and Bahati even deleted most of his photos on the platform and started posting photos of himself, his wife and his new child called Heaven Bahati that is already adored by over thirteen thousand people at least according to Instagram followers the baby has.

Bahati and his lovely wife, Diana Marua. photo credit: Instagram/bahatikenya
Bahati and his lovely wife, Diana Marua. photo credit: Instagram/bahatikenya


Bahati released a single dubbed ‘Ten Over Ten’ which is currently doing well in local charts and trending at number 2 on YouTube in Kenya second only after Nyashinski’s ‘Bebi Bebi’ which is at number 1 has revealed the reason why he decided to give that name to his wife who ‘Ten Over Ten’ is dedicated to.

Diana Marua with her husband, Bahati on baby bump photo shoot. photo credit: Instagram/bahatikenya
Diana Marua with her husband, Bahati on baby bump photo shoot. photo credit: Instagram/bahatikenya



“Had so Much Fun During Heaven Bahati’s Baby Bump Shoot😍 That’s When I rated my Bae Diana Marua My #TENoverTEN Click Link on Bio and Enjoy the Priceless Moments Video ❤” he posted

Bahati said that it’s because of Heaven’s baby bump photo shoot that made him rate his wife, Ten Over Ten and thus the song and thus the amazing music video which is an exclusive cameo for the two of them getting all loved up and the joy in the faces during and after the birth of their angel, Heaven Bahati.

Bahati holding Heaven Bahati for the very first time and showing Diana Marua. photo credit: Instagram/heavenbahati
Bahati holding Heaven Bahati for the very first time and showing Diana Marua. photo credit: Instagram/heavenbahati



If you haven’t already, watch the music video for ‘Ten Over Ten’ below.


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