Babu Owino made the unprecedented move to help his Embakasi East constituents fight the pandemic Coronavirus, COVID-19 seamlessly. Photo credit: Instagram/he.babuowino
Babu Owino made the unprecedented move to help his Embakasi East constituents fight the pandemic Coronavirus, COVID-19 seamlessly. Photo credit: Instagram/he.babuowino

Babu Owino donates 50% of his salary to fight Coronavirus, COVID-19

3 mins read

Babu Owino has jumped in to help in the fight of the pandemic Coronavirus, COVID-19 that has since claimed thousands of lives globally.

The Embakasi East Constituency Member of Parliament, Hon. Babu Owino has taken the first action to help find the novel virus.

Sharing a letter dated 25th March that he officially wrote to the Speaker of the National Assembly, Babu Owino stated that he intends to donate 50% of his Member of Parliament salary to help fight the Coronavirus, COVID-19 disease.

“The Ministry of Health yesterday announced that Kenya now has 28 confirmed cases. COVID-19 is no a reality we must face head on.” Babu Owino’s letter read in part, “As leaders, we must all rally behind the President to ensure that we defeat the disease. My conscience does not allow me to sit back and watch as Kenyans struggle to make ends meet during this difficult time.”

Babu Owino becomes one of the first MPs if not the only one to publicly go forward to help Kenyans to fight the pandemic, Coronavirus(COVID-19).

The President, Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy William Ruto took an 80% voluntary pay cut.

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This means President Uhuru Kenyatta will earn Ksh. 288, 750 from earning Ksh. 1.44 million with Deputy President earning Ksh. 245, 437 from earning Ksh. 1.22 million.

Cabinet Secretaries will take home 646, 800 Kenyan shillings from their normal pay of Ksh. 924, 000 after taking a voluntary 30% pay cut. Principal Secretaries took a voluntary 20% pay cut having them earning Ksh. 612, 150 from their normal pay of Ksh. 765, 188.

So far, Babu Owino is the only Member of Parliament who has come forward to take a 50% pay cut to help out in the national fight of the pandemic, Coronavirus,(COVID-19).

“This is to, therefore, notify you that I will be donating fifty percent(50%) of my monthly salary to the national effort against COVID-19, which is meant to help Embakasi East Resident.” Babu Owino’s letter read, “I am requesting your good office to effect the same. Thank you in advance.”

Babu Owino's official letter written to the Speaker of the National Assembly asking for a 50% pay cut to help in fighting the pandemic, Coronavirus, COVID-19. Photo credit: Instagram/he.babuowino
Babu Owino’s official letter written to the Speaker of the National Assembly asking for a 50% pay cut to help in fighting the pandemic, Coronavirus, COVID-19. Photo credit: Instagram/he.babuowino