Baba Levo and Diamond Platnumz. Photo/Courtesy

Baba Levo: I will not hesitate to shut down my company if it offends Diamond 

2 mins read

Baba Levo, the Executive Director of 7media, a digital company that promotes art, especially in comedy, entertainment, and sports, has revealed that his company’s success is dependent on the approval of his elder brother, Diamond Platnumz.

In a recent press conference, Baba Levo stated that before launching the company, he had a conversation with Diamond Platnumz and received his permission to start the venture.

He emphasized that if 7media offends Diamond in any way, he will not hesitate to shut down the company and return to being his brother’s assistant.

“I didn’t announce it before, but I’m repeating it now – I opened the media when I had a conversation with Diamond. This 7media media, if it offends Diamond in any way, I will fire all the employees and close the company. That’s enough,” Baba Levo said.

The media executive also cautioned his employees to ensure that everything they do pleases and attracts Diamond Platnumz.

According to him, it is only through his brother’s happiness that the company will continue to thrive.

“If Diamond gets annoyed with us, our work will also end. Therefore, my employees must be careful to ensure that everything we do will not offend Diamond Platnumz,” Baba Levo emphasized.

The revelation has raised eyebrows among industry observers, who are questioning the extent of Diamond Platnumz’s influence over the company.

Many are wondering if Baba Levo’s comments are a reflection of the company’s independence or a sign of undue influence from his brother.

Related: Diamond speaks on Alikiba’s radio station poaching Wasafi Media employees