Azziad Nasenya was spotted kissing and embracing a mystery man who is alleged to be her boyfriend, we've never seen her this happy standing next to a man.

Azziad Nasenya spotted inside a bedsitter kissing alleged boyfriend (VIDEO)

2 mins read

Azziad Nasenya has become a household name thanks to her constant social media presence and ever since she became a celebrity, a lot of people have been eager to know her love interest.

Azziad has never come forward, at least not publicly to say who her boyfriend is and what’s his name but what she’s been able to say over and over again when the “dating” question pops up is whether she’s in a relationship is that she wasn’t ready yet to share that information yet.

Azziad Nasenya who is the most followed Kenyan on TikTok is in a steady relationship after a video emerged online.

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Through a video seen by this writer, Azziad Nasenya was seen kissing a man passionately who wore a blue T-Shirt with the name “Azziad” boldly written on the back and couldn’t let him go for a few seconds.

Netizens have been keen to know who Azziad Nasenya’s boyfriend is, as it turns out, she loves him very much. Photo credit: Instagram/azz_iad

Azziad and the purported boyfriend who the public doesn’t know the official name just yet were seen kissing once again in what seemed to appear to be a bed-sitter/ studio apartment.

Watch the video of Azziad Nasenya and alleged boyfriend having the best time of their lives together with friends who were there to witness it.



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