Arbantone, a genre embraced by Gen Z, has overtaken other Kenyan music styles in less than five years. Its unique sound, bridging millennials and Gen Z, has made other genres irrelevant. Photo credit: Instagram/littlemaina
Arbantone, a genre embraced by Gen Z, has overtaken other Kenyan music styles in less than five years. Its unique sound, bridging millennials and Gen Z, has made other genres irrelevant. Photo credit: Instagram/littlemaina

Arbantone: The new sound of Kenya

2 mins read

Arbantone is the new music genre Kenyans have been waiting for. In less than five years, it has become incredibly popular, overshadowing and rendering other styles of music irrelevant in the country.

Before Arbantone, there was Gengetone, and before that, Genge. Although Genge was popular, another genre called Ghipuka didn’t catch on as much.

What makes Arbantone special is that it’s a sound uniquely understood by Kenyans, especially Gen Z. It’s similar to how Amapiano has influenced South Africa. Even if we don’t always understand the lyrics, the beats sampled from millennial hit records help connect millennials and Gen Z.

Arbantone has given rise to new music talents like Tipsy Gee, Kappy, YBW Smith, Gody Tennor, Lil Maina, Soundkraft, Maandy, Ebola MKuu, Sean MMG, and Parroty. These artists are dedicated to pushing the genre forward, giving Kenyans a musical identity they can be proud of.

Arbantone streaming numbers don’t lie

Almost every song released under the Arbantone genre performs astronomically well on streaming platforms. This consistent success proves that Arbantone is a welcome genre created by Gen Z and embraced by the masses.

Even established artists are joining the Arbantone wave, releasing their tracks, or collaborating with Arbantone artists. The streaming numbers for Arbantone are impressive. New releases often reach the top 5 on YouTube and other platforms.

Arbantone is the future of Kenyan music. As the genre gains international attention, it is poised to influence other countries too.

Finally, Kenya has a genre that resonates with many and has the potential to go global.

I love everybody who loves everybody, somebody got to love somebody at some point.
Music is something that comes natural to everybody and it's a language that everybody can understand, I understand it and that's why I speak it
fluently, do you.