Andrew Kibe joins anti-Finance Bill protests, apologizes to Gen Z for underestimating their power

2 mins read

Social media influencer Andrew Kibe has pledged to participate in the upcoming protests against the controversial Finance Bill after issuing an apology.

In a video posted on his social media accounts, Kibe expressed regret for initially doubting the influence and determination of Gen Z, who have become the driving force behind the protests.

He admitted that he underestimated their impact but now fully supports their efforts.

“At first, I was very skeptical because I feared the repercussions, seeing how previous attempts were quickly shut down,” Kibe explained. “I didn’t anticipate this movement gaining momentum so swiftly, which was my biggest mistake. I want to assure you that I’m now 100% behind you, even if some of you might not want my support. We are stronger together.”

Reflecting on his own arrest in 2020, Kibe highlighted his admiration for Gen Z’s bravery and their fight for a better future.

“When I was arrested, I felt completely alone and defeated. I recall Robert Alai advising me to remain silent during that tough period.”

He praised the younger generation for their courage and resolve in demanding justice.

“I have great respect for Gen Z. You’ve taken bold steps and stood firm in your beliefs. I’m not aligned with the system; I stand with Gen Z. Whatever direction you decide to take, I am with you wholeheartedly.”

Confirming his commitment to join the protests, Kibe stated, “On Tuesday, I will be on the front lines in town. No matter the outcome, I am ready to stand with you.”