Masculinity coach Amerix. Photo credit:-Joseochyberry
Masculinity coach Amerix. Photo credit:-Joseochyberry

Amerix: Why you should stay away from church girls

4 mins read

Masculinity coach Amerix has woken up and chosen violence by deciding to attack church girls who pretend to be the holiest after many years of carefree careless living and rumpy-pumpy.

Amerix says men should avoid church girls at all costs, it’s better to hug a cactus it seems for the Twitter god of masculinity as he reiterates.

So, why should men avoid settling with women in the church?

The answer is very simple it seems, after wasting their prime time in shenanigans, these are the most hypocritical beings you’ll ever meet, they pretend a lot and they will deny you sex until you ring them. When they are not virgins in the first place. Amerix believes in sex first, and relationships later.

The modern girl no longer respects the church, unlike in earlier times when it was greatly revered.

Instead, they go to church to escape their miserable lives. The majority of 30-year-old churchgoers were slutty in their prime years and slept with almost every Tom, Dick, and Harry.  When they hit the wall or start to feel like they’re almost there, they run back to church in search of godly men for settling down and expensive church weddings.

Some church girls are so deeply ingrained in the church that they are oblivious to the changing trends in society.

Marrying one of these women might be fatal, especially in the bedroom. Your decision to experience life may be slowed by their misunderstanding of modern trends because it would be problematic to persuade them.

“Men, you are not a retirement scheme for veterans,” says Amerix. To make it make sense, a majority of church girls are past their prime years, i.e. 28 years max and most of them are looking for an easy way out, to most, it seems like getting married is a sure bet for them.

Many of these church women are more devoted and submissive to their pastors than to their men. On occasion, they might consider giving up your wishes in favor of the pastor.

Kenyans who’ve had encounters with church girls have also chipped in the conversation with many advising that men should particularly avoid the praise and worship church girls. Why is this so? It’s because they believe a lot of fornication goes on from what they’ve heard or experienced.

If you marry a church girl, a lot of people will be interested in your marriage. The church members will start intervening if your marriage isn’t ideal, they expect you to have it. Anyone in the church who feels entitled to give you marriage advice will do so.

Others feel that church girls are damaged goods and have high mileage and are only in the church to cover their dirty past and possibly bait unsuspecting simps for commitment and marital fulfillment, a wolf is a wolf they say, even in Sheep’s skin they believe.

Not all church girls are a no-go-zone though! Do as you wish!

Read Also: Why Amerix is a better masculinity coach than Andrew Kibe