Hilarious: Young Teenager Makes Fun Of Sensational Gospel Artiste Bahati By Imitating him

1 min read

Gospel sensational, heartthrob Bahati has been out of the country for the past few weeks, he was in the United States of America where he went for his promotional tour. After his homecoming, he went straight to Uganda for a performance dubbed ‘Green Festival’ which went down today by the way at the Kololo Airstrip in Uganda, it is his first time time performing in Uganda.

That comes to show how dedicated and a true artiste Bahati is, he is helping putting not only Kenyan gospel music in the map but Kenyan music generally. True definition of a true artiste representing Kenya to the fullest.

Just the other day, Bahati posted a video in one of his social media accounts and laughed out the fact that a young teenager was trying to emulate him performing in a stage with his smash hit ‘Lover’ playing in the background. That’s how Bahati has influenced the youth of today, both young and old.

Bahati had this to say about that video:

Mujamaa tusizoeanee!!! Hio nimekataa Siimbangi Hivyo

Here’s the hilarious video of a young boy emulating Bahati’s performance;

I love everybody who loves everybody, somebody got to love somebody at some point.
Music is something that comes natural to everybody and it's a language that everybody can understand, I understand it and that's why I speak it
fluently, do you.