Man Holding Bars in Jail Cell --- Image by © Fat Chance Productions/CORBIS

A Man Charged For Sending Sexual Messages To Fellow Man

1 min read

A middle man was charged on Tuesday in a Murang’a court with sending indecent messages to another man.

Georffrey Muru was accused of sending sexual messages to Victor Kinuthia, a Royal Media Services Journalist on February 8 2016.

He was charged by Muranga Court with a second count of “misusing a licensed communication devise”

Geoffrey Mburu faces a second count of misusing a communication device.

The prosecution said Mburu was arrested in Githioro village, Gatanga subcounty, after Kinuthia recorded a statement at Murang’a police station.

Mburu, who denied the charges before Muranga Magistrate Antony Mwichigi was released on Ksh 200,000 bond

The case will be mentioned on February 23 while the hearing was set for March 7.