Bodybuilding is a sport that honors competitors’ physique. The sport has been a predominantly men affair but women have also competed in bodybuilding.
As a matter of facts, female bodybuilders prove wrong the notion that only men can have muscles. Female bodybuilders are generally stronger than most typical men.
Getting the kind of physique bodybuilders have takes a lot of hard work and effort. Female bodybuilders have broken through the pain barrier to beef up their bodies.
In the world of female bodybuilding, there are many different classes of female competitors ranging from the slimmer bikini competitor to the more muscular yet feminine physique competitors.
This article focuses on masculine female bodybuilders. Most of them have basically lost the ‘female touch’ because of the time they spent at the gym.
Below is the list of beautiful black women who dominated the bodybuilding industry with some having better body building body than most men today,
Dayana Cadeau
Iris Kyle
Lenda Murray
Laura Creavalle
Th-resa Bostick
Rosemary Jennings