‘If Museveni Wins The Presidential Elections, I Will Slowly Remove My Panties, Sit By My Burning Charcoal-Stove, Roast My Cl**Oris’ Top Makerere Lecturer Declares!

1 min read

“If Museveni wins the presidential elections in February 2016, I will slowly remove my panties, sit by my burning charcoal-stove, roast my cl**oris crunchy black, and use the burnt piece as a crayon to colour the Ugandan flag all black.

In case the head of the electoral commission announces that Museveni is going to lead Uganda for five more years, I will get my hoe, carefully dig out my nipples from each breast, pound them into a red bloody paint to highlight the constitutional articles that raped presidential term limits out of our land.

If the ballot swings in Museveni’s favour, I will gently cut up my skull, yank my brains out of my head, put them in a white papyrus kikapu, take them to the House of Parliament, and nail them to the high ceiling of that powerful shrine.

If Museveni wins this presidential election, I swear to God, I will pull out my fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus, make them into a beautiful necklace and sell them wrapped in the national flag to the lowest bidder on e-bay. Where is the pride and honour in being a Ugandan citizen ruled for over thirty years by the same man?”
