Whether you choose to love it or not, Vera Sidika is the measuring stick of all and to all the curvaceous women out there, at least those of I know of from Africa.
If you want to stand out, be different by the only way acceptable, surpass Vera Sidika in her beauty and curvaceous-ness that she made providence with her precedence.

Let’s give credit where it’s due, Vera Sidika is one beautiful creature that whoever will marry her will forever hold a treasure and stand a titan above all men because he will have conquered other men to win her heart, and he of course ought to have a ‘weightful’ purse.
You know before Vera Sidika, many Kenyans were into petite girls, not that they are not into them anymore, I mean look at Huddah Monroe(she is a wonder to behold) but most men and women have accepted the figure thanks to the socialite cum businesswoman and entrepreneur.
That being said, these are the top famous women especially on Instagram that are curvaceous naturally without having any enhancement procedures done whatsoever.
1. Model MaddyMoreBucks via Instagram
2. Risper Faith via Instagram