Shanah who is a 10 year-old talented artiste that doesn’t let her age put her in any box whatsoever has released her fourth studio record ever since she began singing last year on October and her third release this year.
Get to know more about her here: artiste profile, Shanah
So far Shanah has released ‘Destiny’, ‘We are One’ and ‘Winner’ which has been on top spot at the top 30 weekly on XFM for weeks now.
Shanah has a bright future in front of her as a musician but she also has other options other being a musician when she grows up, she wants to be either a doctor, a dancer, a gymnast, or a teacher.
The Media personality and award winning singer Shanah Manjeru, has released her latest single ‘God will listen’ with a Video already out on YouTube. This is the third single she has released this year hot after success of her other two songs.

The inspiration record that can resonate with anyone who gets to listen to it was written by long time writer and her father Anthony “TonnyX” Mwangi, and produced by the talented Jesse. The encouraging song features well done visuals by Trey Juelz and a very beautiful story line that reminds you that regardless of the challenges that one faces in life, no matter what they are, God will always listen.

There’s no denying that the future of Kenyan music is at safe hands with artistes like Shanah being a part of it, whether she decides to do music as full time career or a part time thing, we sure know that the music industry will surely need her talent and input in the industry, if she can have vocals like these at a tender age of 10 years old, I wonder how wonderful she would sound like in another 10 years. For now though, get to listen and/or watch her latest release ‘God Will listen’ below.