Kforce rocking gold chain

10 reasons why Kayvo Kforce deserves way more credit in Kenyan hip hop than what he’s getting today

5 mins read

The Kenyan Hiphop music field has seen lots of rappers come and go without making an impact on the society, especially the hood that they grew up at.

This however cannot be said about Kevin Ambalwa aka Kayvo Kforce, who despite all the hardships that come with the Kenyan rap music scene, continues to inspire multitudes through music.

Also read: Kforce raps in Luhya for the first time and it’s priceless

He is credited for mentoring and artistically putting on his peers like Octopizzo and Khaligraph Jones among others. He is also currently working closely with new comer rap artiste, Katapilla on his new record label.

Kforce has been consistent over the years being as prolific in the rap scene for the longest time ever without loosing his perspective and dedication in the music industry, hip hop to be precise. photo credit: Instagram/kayvokforce
Kforce has been consistent over the years being as prolific in the rap scene for the longest time ever without loosing his perspective and dedication in the music industry, hip hop to be precise. photo credit: Instagram/kayvokforce

Here are the top 10 reasons why Kayvo Kforce deserves more credits in rap than what he is getting today.

1. From Odd Jobs to Grace

Growing up in the rusty tin-house shanties of Kibera, Kayvo Kforce rose from a humble beginnings to the popularity that he currently enjoys. He did odd jobs such as hawking fashion apparels and shoes, being a painter for contractors, touting and rearing/selling chicken for profit.

2. The Young Frank Sinatra

Kayvo Kforce is considered one of the youngest singers to ever grace the Kenyan music industry. He started singing in his local church choir while only 8 years old. Some of his fans then, dubbed him the young Frank Sinatra of their time.

3. A Man of Multiple Talents

Apart from rapping, Kayvo Kforce is also quite s good Actor seasoned from his stage acting days in school. Although there are no major breakthroughs on his career as an actor, Kforce used to act throughout his school life and won quite a number of School acting awards

4. Thug-Life Evasion

Growing up in Kibera slums meant that Kayvo Kforce had to endure the life challenges that come with financial inequities. Some of his close friends either ended up in jail for crime or were shot dead by police. Luckily, Kforce evaded the thug life they chose amidst all the temptations he was facing.

5. Ladies-Man

Kayvo Kforce’s Love for pretty girls started quite early while he was still in school. In fact, he had to quit acting and opted for playing basketball, because ‘all the cute girls in school loved athletes’. Though right now he a married man

6. The Chief-Director

Kforce is a self-declared investment mogul who runs Nambanane Music and Nambanane Skyline Record labels as well as Kompakt Records as owner, co-owner and creative director respectively.

He and his Business partner Mr. Ke4 also just started a new apparel/clothing line called (NS) *details loading. This shows that apart from rapping his lungs out, Kforce has a business-minded personality that inspires

7. Family Man

Despite making it in the industry, Kayvo Kforce has not forgotten his family. He worked as a delivery boy at his late grandfather’s bakery and is also quoted as saying that he owes his mom, brother and aunts his life for helping him evade a life of crime.

8. Well-versed Scholar

Kforce is no ordinary Joe you meet on the streets; he studied International Relations and Journalism at USIU, Nairobi.

His educational background makes him one of the most sought-after artists in the East African region.

9. Radio Host

Kayvo Kforce has worked as a cohost for the popular Hip-Hop Thursday show with Mikke Mzeiya from 7 to 9pm on Pamoja 99.9 FM. His multi-talented nature means that he deserves more credit than he is getting.

10. Escalating Discography

Kforce music is growing rapidly. In fact, he is regarded as the only new generation hip-hop rapper to have worked with Kalamashaka’s Kamaa and K South’s Abbas as well as Chiwawa.

Some of his latest music include Jomos (2017), Nu Baba (2018), Sipendi Madrama (2016), Eazy (2018), Pepea (2018), Toto (2018), Wananipima (2018)