010 Beryl has a new record out you'd want to know about
010 Beryl has a new record out you'd want to know about

010 Beryl drops an enchanting ‘Nkuwe Ki’ record

3 mins read

In the ever-evolving and vibrant world of music, the emergence of a new artist who brings both refreshment and resonance is always a cause for celebration.

010 Beryl real name Beryl Owano, an extraordinarily talented singer from Kenya, is such an artist, making significant waves with her evocative sound. Her latest release, “Nkuwe Ki”—which translates to “What Do I Give You”—is a testament to her exceptional talent and the timeless message of authentic love.

010 Beryl’s musical journey is a tapestry woven with passion, dedication, and an unyielding commitment to her craft.

Emerging from Kenya, a nation celebrated for its rich musical heritage, Beryl has carved out a distinctive niche with her unique sound and heartfelt lyrics. Her music is an exquisite blend of contemporary rhythms and traditional influences, crafting a soundscape that is at once modern and deeply rooted in cultural authenticity.

“Nkuwe Ki” transcends being merely a song; it is an anthem that touches the soul of every listener.

With its smooth texture and melodic grace, the track encapsulates the essence of true love and the lengths to which one will go to express it. The lyrics are a beautiful exploration of love’s profundity, posing the poignant question, “What do I give you?” in a manner that resonates profoundly with listeners.

010 Beryl. Photo credit: supplied
010 Beryl. Photo credit: supplied

A particularly remarkable aspect of “Nkuwe Ki” is its universal appeal. While deeply personal and embedded in 010 Beryl’s own experiences and cultural context, its themes are universal. Love, after all, is a language that transcends borders and cultures. The song’s message conveys that genuine, true love is unstoppable, serving as a beacon of hope and inspiration for lovers everywhere.


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In an era where music can often seem fleeting, 010 Beryl offers something truly timeless. Her work reminds us of the power of love and the beauty of genuine human connection. As you listen to “Nkuwe Ki,” you’ll be reminded that love, in its purest form, is a force capable of overcoming any obstacle.

010 Beryl is not merely a talented singer; she is a storyteller, a messenger of love, and a shining example of what it means to create music with heart and soul.

Experience “Nkuwe Ki” by 010 Beryl

Discover the magic of 010 Beryl’s latest release, “Nkuwe Ki” by watching the music video below and stream the song underneath it

I love everybody who loves everybody, somebody got to love somebody at some point.
Music is something that comes natural to everybody and it's a language that everybody can understand, I understand it and that's why I speak it
fluently, do you.