Robert Mugabe negotiated a hefty payoff before he agreed to cede power. The former Zimbabwean tyrant will receive a golden handshake worth millions of shillings as part of a deal negotiated before his resignation.
$10 million or Kes 1 billion is estimated to be the total amount Mugabe will be paid. The former president received a cash payment of $5 million or 516.9 million immediately with more to be paid in coming months.
Mugabe will also be paid $150,000 or Kes 15.5 million salary until his death. The former First Lady Grace Mugabe will be paid half the amount for the rest of her life.
Mugabe also negotiated full immunity from prosecution and a guarantee that no action will be taken against his family’s extensive business interests.

The former Zimbabwean first couple will also remain in their sprawling mansion popularly known the Blue Roof. Zimbabwean government will pay for their medical care, domestic staff, security and foreign travel.